Time Measured
King George V Memorial Hospital for Mothers and Babies Birth Centre
The work is a response to the experience of having a child, learning how to breastfeed and realising how unprepared I had been for what breastfeeding involved and how I would feel about it.
It was an introduction to an entirely foreign world that had its own immutable rules and restrictions.
It was a long-term commitment that demanded discipline, vigilance and sacrifice to shifting routines. I came to appreciate the preciousness of time to myself as I began to work through the full 24-hour day.
I needed to create work to express and displace what was happening to me rather than just living it day to day.
As the work developed, particular insights emerged: the organisation of time as a governing force; the discovery that we are, to an extent, cut off from a history of women’s experience; and that the changing perception of oneself following childbirth and during breastfeeding is not readily understood by others.
Particular thanks go to Helen Dowling, Midwife in Charge at the Birth Centre and Jeanette Smit, A/Nurse Coordinator
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